Course description:
The course will provide the participants with a toolbox of work-related knowledge, skills and resources to develop or enhance their current occupational therapy practice. The course will empower occupational therapists to promote health as work outcomes in their current and future practice.
Course outline:
The day will cover:
- Workplace adjustments and workplace assessments
- Benefits and legal considerations
- Work as an outcome
- Work-related rehabilitation in different settings
- Fit notes and phased return to work
- Using functional capacity type assessments in practice
- Report writing
Course Tutors:
Sarah Holt, Jasmine Yule and the Group Rehab team
Learning outcomes:
The course is designed to provide participants with a foundation of knowledge in a variety of work-related issues and interventions.
Participants will be able to:
- Have work-related conversations with the service users
- Make informed recommendations about the service users’ work-related potential
- Write a fit note
- Write a work-related report to an employer and/or the DWP
- Have an understanding of the multiple factors that underpin the process of returning to work
- Demonstrate and promote the occupational therapists’ unique contribution to this area of practice
- Have an awareness of how rehabilitation and the use of specialist equipment can enhance the return to work process
Registration requirement (who will benefit)
The course is aimed at occupational therapists who have recently started working within a vocational rehabilitation setting, who are looking to address work-related issues in their clinical practice or who are interested in exploring a career in this field.
Location & Parking:
The course will be hosted at Florence Nightingale Community Hospital, Derby. We advise you not to use the hospital car park due to the risk of queuing. Please use the NCP car park behind the Stuart Hotel.
Please note: we are able to receive payment upon invoice.
E-mail all the necessary information to info@physiquipe.com including delegate details (full name, e-mail address, job title and organisation)