Howard Carr MCThA DHP has some really good insight into using the Lymphatouch in a functional medicine setting. He has run successful clinics in London, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northern Ireland and Jersey and has been consulted by thousands of clients.
Written by Sue Hansard, First LymphCare. The Use of LymphaTouch in Treating Chronic Lower Limb Lymphoedema Case Study.
Justine has been using the LymphaTouch device for the last 6 months on secondary Lymphoedema patients suffering with swelling and discomfort.
Kendal Lymphology Centre has been using the LymphaTouch device for approximately 8 years for the treatment of Lymphoedema…
LymphaTouch® is a gentle negative pressure tool that is able to assist in treating many of the symptoms that cancer patients endure.
Lymphatic drainage has been proven to reduce swelling, relieve pain, detoxify the body and speed up the regeneration of tissues and cells. But how so…
7 years ago, a fall on a patch of ice changed Susan’s life forever. Susan enjoyed an active lifestyle just outside Toronto, with a career in the fashion industry, and a thriving young family. Everythi
We had the pleasure of having Louise Koelmeyer (Lymphoedema Program Manager) and Conrad Nguyen (Senior Director at Impedimed) over to the UK for the last 5 days.