Module 1: Introduction to Shockwave Therapy – Now available!
There has been some misleading information circulating about piezoelectric technology and the Piezowave2 system. Our goal here is to address and clarify these inaccuracies to ensure that you have the most accurate and reliable information.
Balance is a crucial element of physical well-being that impacts society significantly. It plays a key role in falls prevention programs, with implications for people’s quality of life. The costs associated with injuries from falls in older individuals in the UK exceeds £2.3 billion every year, highlighting the importance of balance maintenance.
Patient retention is a vital component for the success of any physical therapy practice. The ability to maintain a loyal client base not only ensures consistent revenue but also reflects positively on the quality of care provided. In this blog post, we will delve into the importance of therapist-patient relationships and how they can impact patient retention rates.
Muscle dynamometry has long been recognised as a valuable method in the health and fitness industry for assessing muscle strength and function. With advancements in technology, modern muscle dynamometers like Strength By Numbers AxIT Push-IT and Pull-IT have revolutionised the assessment process, providing accurate, portable, and automated solutions for health and fitness professionals.
Unveiled in the 1960s for biomechanics analysis in professional sports, force plates have evolved into game-changing tools in the athletic world. They offer valuable data insights that can enhance performance and help prevent injuries. Thanks to technological advancements, portable force plates include the AxIT Stomp-IT are now becoming common in regular health and fitness environments. Indeed, these tools once exclusive to top-tier sports teams and academic labs are now empowering wellness practitioners and individuals alike.
This session delved further into the science of eccentric exercise and how the BTE Eccentron allows you to offer controlled but and targeted isolated.
This webinar explains how patients with lower back pain will present differently. Mobility deficits, lower extremity pain, radiating pain.