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LymphaTouch: Targeted Negative Pressure for Scars – FAQ’s

LymphaTouch is a medical device which produces a negative pressure, or vacuum, on the skin to stimulate lymphatic drainage and help treat scars.

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How does LymphaTouch Negative Pressure work on scars?

LymphaTouch can improve the function and feeling of a scar and enhances how a scar heals.

By providing a light suction, we can encourage more blood and lymphatic flow, which is what our body needs to accelerate the healing process.

LymphaTouch can also help with tight, restrictive scars. After surgery, scars may adhere/stick down to the deeper fascial layers, which can be painful, restrictive, and become visibly unsatisfying.

By controlling the negative pressure from LymphaTouch, we can gently lift and release the scar tissue.

Often, the appearance improves once we see improvement in blood flow and scar movement.

What scars can you treat with LymphaTouch?

LymphaTouch can be a treatment tool for most scars from acute to chronic scars.

This includes:

  • Fine line scars
  • Hypertrophic scars
  • Scar contractures
  • Burns
  • Port hole / keyhole surgery scars

What scars can LymphaTouch not treat?

LymphaTouch shouldn’t be used on Keloid scars. A Keloid scar is an overproduction of collagen laydown, by the body, ontop and over the scar boarder.

Therefore, we would not want to overstimulate this sensitive area.

The gold-standard treatment for keloid scars continues to be compression and the use of silicone.

How soon can you treat a scar?

Direct scar therapy should commence between 4-6 weeks post-surgery, accident, or trauma.

This falls in line with manual therapy guidelines for scar therapy. Before scar therapy can commence, the
scar needs to be fully healed over, with no signs of infection, openings within the scar, stitches present and the individual is happy to touch the scar.

Away from a scar, LymphaTouch can be used at an earlier stage for oedema management.

When can you not treat a scar?

You should always follow existing guidelines on the use of manual therapy for scars.

This will be the same for when and when not to use the LymphaTouch. A LymphaTouch treatment should not be
used if the scar is not healed over, if there are signs of an open wound or infection, Siches are present and if the patient is reporting a high level of pain.

If you are uncertain of the suitability of the device for treatment, seek advice from a healthcare professional prior to starting the treatment.

You can also contact us a Physiquipe or your local LymphaTouch representative if you have further

What can you expect during a treatment?

LymphaTouch is a comfortable treatment. The device has an applicator, known as the treatment head, which has a cup inserted with a soft rubber seal around the head. This is then placed on the skin.

Once applied, you will feel the skin is lifted with the suction. This will feel different depending on what pressures are used and where about the device is used on the body.

You will be asked to remove clothing, where necessary, to expose the skin as the device needs to be directly applied to skin.

There are 3 settings which you may experience.

Pulsation = lift and release of the selected negative pressure

Continuous = lift and hold of the selected negative pressure

Mechanical Vibration = function to shake and stimulate the cells in the tissue

Treatment should not be painful and is often very relaxing. On particularly tight scars, you may experience some discomfort caused by pulling the tissues up but should not be painful.

Always check with your client, that they are comfortable at all times during treatment.

What pressures can you use on a scar?

Like with any manual therapy, starting with lower pressures and increasing gradually dependent on tissue response and patient tolerance is recommended.

50-80mmHg of pressure is a good starting point to locally activate the tissue around and on the scar.

Pressures can be used up to 180mmHg of pressure to mobilise into fibrotic and scarred tissue.

Pressures should be used individually for each patient and should be adapted dependent on clinical reasoning.

How long should a treatment be on a scar?

The LymphaTouch can be used in combination or as an isolated treatment for scars.

Dependent on this determines the length of treatment. However, it is recommended that a maximum of 10 minutes should be the length of a LymphaTouch treatment directly on a scar at one time.

Always use your professional clinical judgement, how the client responds to treatment and the age and severity of the scar.

How many treatment sessions are needed?

Depending on what the LymphaTouch treatment is for, the number of sessions may vary from 1 session to multiple over several weeks.

The treatment is safe and is classed as manual therapy, so there is little restriction on how often you can have this treatment.

Although it is advised that there is a 3-day rest between each treatment. It is expected within 3 sessions you are likely to see changes to a scar.

The number of sessions required will vary dependent on the type of scar, how old the scar is, client’s tolerance to treatment and how the scar responds to treatment.

What are the benefits of using LymphaTouch for scars?

  • Reduced tightness/less pulling
  • Pain reduction
  • Desensitisation
  • Increases scar pliability
  • Drains excess swelling
  • Improved appearance

Negative Pressure

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