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More Ways to Optimise Your Ultrasound Image

You may have read our last article which talks you through some of the settings that you can adjust to optimise your ultrasound image. But there are some other things to consider as well.

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Some more helpful tips to optimise your diagnostic ultrasound image…


Patient Positioning:
This is crucial to obtain accurate images and will help minimise artefacts.

  • Give your patient clear instructions.
  • Consider if you need to do a dynamic assessment or the position for an injection.
  • Are you comfortable and can you reach the machine to adjust settings?
  • Are you applying the probe correctly?

Equipment Settings:
Getting the correct settings/system software is vital. Most systems come with standard software, but some have optional extras that can improve your image – but this can be costly.

  • Have you got the right image processing software?
  • Do you need things like needle-vision/panoramic?
  • Consider parameters such as exposure time, field of view, resolution, and contrast.

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Image Reconstruction:
Post-exam processing techniques to enhance image quality and diagnostic value.

  • Algorithms are used to reduce noise, improve spatial resolution, and enhance contrast.
  • This may involve filtering, edge enhancement, and other image processing techniques.

Use of Contrast Agents:
In some cases, the use of contrast agents can be beneficial for MSK imaging:

  • This is a more advanced application.
  • Helps improve the visualisation of blood vessels, inflammation, and other soft tissue structures.

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Image Annotation and Documentation:
Competence in annotation and documentation of the images will help interpretation and future referencing.
Using these tools will help:

  • If you need to refer your patient to another specialist.
  • Require a mentor to have a look over your scans.
  • Inform the patient.

Quality Control and Assurance:
Regular quality control checks should be performed to ensure that the imaging equipment is functioning properly.
This includes:

  • Monitoring, calibrating and updating the equipment.
  • Visual and functional checks on the transducers and note any image defects.
  • DUS machines need to be serviced annually or in some cases every 6 months (depending on usage).

To find out more about Physiquipe’s diagnostic ultrasound range, speak to one of our specialists.

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