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What is the best Shockwave Therapy machine for me

If you are just stepping into the world of shockwave therapy – WELCOME!

PiezoWave2 Knee Treatment

It can be confusing, but our blogs are here to guide you through the “sales” noise and the overwhelming information online about shockwave therapy. Before we go further, if you are a patient looking for a shockwave therapy machine for home use, please be aware that these are medical devices that should be used by a trained therapist. Physiquipe cannot supply medical devices to patients for home use.

There is so much choice – where do I start?

There are several suppliers, brands and models of shockwave which can all be confusing.

The first thing to check is which type of shockwave best suits you. You have the choice between to categories, focused or radial shockwave therapy.

Radial shockwave is more affordable and is considered a great starting point if you haven’t used a shockwave therapy machine before. It is much better for superficial or larger areas of the body.

Focused shockwave is a more precise treatment where the energy can be delivered at a specific depth. You can hit as deep as 10-12cm and is much more powerful than radial shockwave, but they are more expensive.

For a more detailed comparison of radial vs. focused shockwave technologies, please see our article, Radial vs Focused Shockwave Therapy.

Using Focused Shockwave

Using Focused Shockwave

Once you have decided which technology to go for, it is now time to consider which device:

  • Meets your budget
  • Offers a good treatment option
    o Energy and frequency range
    o Therapy sources/applicators available
    o Depth options available (focused shockwave)
  • Running costs
  • Has a company that will offer you the best support.

But most importantly, which system is the best looking!

There are 4 main brands that lead the way in the UK for radial and focused shockwave therapy solutions

  • Physiquipe (of course)
    o Piezowave2 focused shockwave
    o Longest powershocker radial shockwave
  • Venn Healthcare
    o Storz radial and focused shockwave
  • Enovis (DJO)
    o Chattenooga radial and focused shockwave
  • BTL
    o Radial and focused shockwave

There are several other companies and products, but these are considered the 4 biggest suppliers in the UK.

We have highlighted running costs as this is often overlooked and make sure you ask about:

1. What consumables are there and when do they need to be replaced?
2. How much is a service and does it include BOTH the device and handpiece?
3. What daily maintenance tasks are there e.g. cleaning, water changes
4. Shock guarantee

We can only speak on behalf of ourselves, so to answer the above.

For the Piezowave2 range:

PiezoWave2 Knee Treatment

PiezoWave2 Knee Treatment

1. The only consumable is ultrasound gel.
2. ÂŁ495+vat and includes both the device and the handpiece
a. The service is done on-site.
b. Your first service is free with any new device
3. Cleaning the ultrasound gel
4. 7.5 million shocks
a. 2.5x more than any other system
b. Is NOT A LIMIT – if it still works, keep using it.
c. World record is 29 million shocks and it was producing 95% of the energy it
should produce

For the Longest Powershocker

radial shockwave gallery 1

1. Projectile and guiding tube need to be replaced every 1 million shocks and the ultrasound gel
2. ÂŁ395+vat per year and includes both the device and the handpiece
a. The service is done on-site.
b. Your first service is free with any new device
3. Cleaning the ultrasound gel
4. 1 million shocks per projectile
a. The Powershocker pro comes with 4x projectiles so you are covered for 4 million shocks

Why should I choose a Shockwave Therapy Machine?

Shockwave therapy isn’t new to MSK, but recently, has become one of the fastest-growing MSK technologies in the world.

Shockwave therapy has been used since the 1980s and has been clinically proven for several MSK conditions. It is now more affordable and available than ever before and is fast becoming a staple treatment in the MSK clinic.

Physiquipe are currently the fastest-growing shockwave supplier in the UK. We work with the NHS, the English Institute of Sport, The FA and of private practices in the UK and have our shockwave prevalence has grown by at least 200% year on year over the last 5 years.

Our clinical advisory board of some of the countries leading MSK and sports medicine Dr’s and Clinician’s guide what we do. We are clinically led, not sales led, so you can get the best product and solution for you and your clinic.

What training do I get?

Some companies offer courses and device training. Physiquipe offers an in-house, personalised training session tailored to your needs. The session is certified and is a minimum of 2 hours, but you can have us for the whole day if you would like!

If you find a shockwave course you would like to attend, let one of the team at Physiquipe know, and we can look to cover the cost of this.

*Subject to our discretion*

To find out more about how we can help you on your shockwave journey, contact us.

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