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Life Stories Episode #152: Rob Madden

67 Views • 28 Feb, 2024

Rob has worked with a variety of professional athletes from Boxing, Golf, Formula 1, Rugby & Football.

As well as working with athletes, he has supported many general clients with their health, fitness and wellbeing with 1:1 coaching.

He has had the honour of supporting Anthony Joshua with his Physiotherapy / performance support (as part of a professional team) since 2013 shortly after he went professional.

In addition, he has experience working with Olympic athletes from; Snowboarding, Skiing, Canoeing & Bob Skeleton. He was involved with athlete support up to both Vancouver 2010 (British Snowboarding) and Sochi 2014 (Canada Snowboard) Winter Olympic Games as well as the London 2012 Olympics (British Canoeing).

He has an active interest in Strength & Conditioning and its role in performance & rehabilitation. He has been fortunate to work with a number of talented S&C coaches all around the world. His work values are solidly around teamwork & preparation in supporting individual athletes achieve excellence whilst remaining healthy. He has completed his NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist certification (CSCS).

Having finished 7 years working at Hintsa in formula 1, Rob is now working privately in London as a physiotherapist and strength coach.

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