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Rethinking Rehab: the 3 biggest mistakes therapists make with Exercise Prescription

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In this webinar, Mike James “The Endurance Physio” will be presenting on rethinking rehab and the 3 biggest mistakes therapists make with exercise prescription.

Recent years have seen exercise and rehabilitation gain popularity and attention across the therapy world as a primary treatment modality for all patient populations and conditions.

This rise has seen significant attention and subsequent complexity overcomplication in the discussions, prescription and management of exercise rehabilitation that has left many therapists and their patients confused, disenchanted, and lost in unsuccessful rehabilitation and treatment management.

Similarly, there has been an exponential rise in courses, conversations and content around exercise that has inadvertently left many therapists struggling to make sense of simple ways to prescribe exercise and manage it moving forward through a patient’s journey.

As the pendulum seems to have swung too far to one side. it feels time to bring things back to the middle and simplify exercise and prescription, learning how to master the fundamentals of exercise prescription for any therapist within any patient population.

This webinar aims to begin that process by identifying and discussing the three most common mistakes therapists make when prescribing exercise and how to avoid them.

Guest Speaker: Mike James – The Endurance Physio

Mike is a former Military Physical Training Instructor and rehabilitation specialist, fitness expert and Sports Rehabilitator.  He has a strong reputation in the therapy world having had many articles published in national magazines and is a regular speaker at conferences and shows as well as running his own courses and workshops. Mike holds Masters level degrees in both Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine as well as degrees in Sports Rehabilitation, strength conditioning and Sports Science.

His passion is helping therapists and patients alike understand the evidence base by sharing his message into a practically understandable and applicable content.

Mike lectures full-time on the Physiotherapy programme at the University of South Wales

Mike is affectionately known as “The Endurance Physio” where he runs a busy in person and online clinic coaching and treating athletes worldwide from novice to elite to optimise rehabilitation and performance.

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