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Paul Williamson, The Performance Physio talks about Diagnostic Ultrasound

At The Performance Physio, we pride ourselves on using the latest technologies in our assessments and treatments of patients, and we always come to Physiquipe to get that technology.

performance physio

With 25 years of experience in elite & professional sports, performance physio Paul Williamson has dedicated his career as both a professional athlete & a clinician to achieving excellence. He has a passion for quality & believes everyone should be able to access healthcare to the highest standards. Paul has recently invested in focused shockwave and diagnostic ultrasound.

In this interview, Paul explains how and why he has decided to incorporate diagnostic ultrasound into his MSK clinic.

paul williamson

How do you implement Diagnostic Ultrasound into your practice?

“Working with football referees it is important I had a system that was portable. We work away on camp for two days a week, so Alpinion was a perfect example of what I wanted. The quality of the image on this machine is also up there with the best so that makes it important when I’m using it back in the clinic. I use it daily with a lot of patients I see, and it really helps me focus on my diagnosis as part of the clinical assessment. It allows me to put into place a treatment plan that’s specific to my patient.”

Why did you choose to get the E-Cube i7?

“At The Performance Physio, we pride ourselves on using the latest technologies in our assessments and treatments of patients, and we always come to Physiquipe to get that technology. I wanted to use a quality system that was a price I could afford as a private practice owner. I trialed several high-end systems but when I trialled the E-Cube i7 the image, portability, and price point were perfect. The nice thing about the E-Cube i7 is that it is very intuitive, it’s easy to use, and adaptable. There is also software on the system that allows you to upgrade, for example, if you do injections you can have extended needle vision, so it’s great for all MSK uses.”

performance physio

What’s been the biggest impact on you and your patients?

“It gives the patients more confidence in what you’re doing in terms of your clinical assessment. I’m able to go through subjective history, and testing, and then it’s an added benefit of seeing what’s going on physically. You can show the patient the images and produce reports which can be used to send to consultants if needed. It enables you to give a full package of care for your patients and a higher quality service that they would normally receive.”

Watch the full interview with Paul Williamson from The Performance Physio here: or click the image below.

the performance physio

For further information on how diagnostic ultrasound can be added to your practice contact us at or 0161 713 0409.

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