We always seem to hear about, and see shockwave therapy used for:
- Achilles tendinopathy
- Patella tendinopathy
- Shoulder tendinopathy
And granted, that is where the strongest research is (although that is debatable – see our translating research into practice for the upper limb webinar) but we want to see something different, hear something original, and learn some new exciting ways shockwave can be used.
Step in John Ostrovskis from the 919 Clinic, to present 2 case studies on how he has used focused shockwave for pain in the wrist. As John has a keen interest in rock climbing and has lots of patients coming in with hand and wrist injuries, and having used shockwave for several years, he has ample experience and cases to share.
How Focused Shockwave can be used
- Collateral damage” RCL / UCL injury
- Dorsal wrist ganglion
Fascinating to see how you can use shockwave therapy for these injuries, but also the diagnostic process with ultrasound imaging and reasoning for using Shockwave for these patients. Without spoiling the webinar too much, we delved into the appropriate energy levels, and how often the treatments were, but we also looked at what literature there is available for these injuries/pathologies.