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Life Stories Episode #9: Julian Chapman

21 Views • 24 May, 2021

Julian has recently been featured in CSP Frontline magazine in his role for promoting the Leadership Development Program to future leaders, and especially for members from BAME backgrounds. ESP (Extended Scope Practitioner) physiotherapist, Julian gives a really interesting insight as to his issue with the Black Lives Matter slogan, and also talks about how he coped with the cultural differences he encountered during his undergraduate studies. I know how influential my parents were in encouraging me to go to university, so it was good to hear what an important role Julian’s played for him in his career path. We talk about his placement under Dave Fevre and Paul Kelly at Blackburn Rovers, and the advice they gave that he took into his own work choices. Julian is going through some unexpected health problems himself currently, so we talk about how he has managed with these during COVID19.

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