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Life Stories Episode #45: Dr. Lorenzo Masci

146 Views • 27 Apr, 2021

Lorenzo is a leader in the world of tendinopathy, diagnostic ultrasound and ultrasound guided interventions. We discuss him starting university at 16 which ultimately led to working in the sporting and sports medicine ‘capital of the world’, Melbourne. His time here included working with some of the biggest names in Sports and Exercise Medicine as well as for Melbourne Storm Rugby League. Lorenzo is passionate about tennis and spent seven years with Tennis Australia and at the Australian Open, so it was great to hear what it was like watching the rise of some of the all time greats: Serena & Venus Williams, Roger Federer and Rafa Nadal. He tells me how he came to move to London and get job roles with teams such as Wasps and Fulham FC. As a world renowned expert in diagnostic ultrasound, it was fascinating to hear his perspective on the explosion within MSK that is currently happening, which he think is a really good thing. We also discuss how he came to find his passion for tendinopathy which was mainly driven by working with pioneers such as Hakan Alfredson and Jill Cook. As ever, he says it was ‘luck’ that he got a great many of his roles! The harder you work, the luckier you get…

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