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Life Stories Episode #55: Eoin Lacey

65 Views • 26 Jan, 2022

Eoin started his career in the health industry in 1996, in Fitness and Leisure Management and went on to be part of the management team of Irelands largest health clubs with over 11,000 members. Understanding that everyone responds differently to exercise. Eoin began his studies in Physical Therapy, Corrective Exercise, and Advanced Strength and Conditioning. Realising that in order to deliver a professional personalised approach to health and well-being, more individual time is needed with each person. This brought Eoin into the Personal Training realm and together with John Connor and Stephen Ward forged the beginning of what is now the largest chain of Personal Training and Nutrition Centres in Ireland, the Irish Strength Institute.

As Eoin looked after more and more clients and athletes it became fundamental for success to devote more and more time to continuous education. This directed Eoin’s education to Functional Medicine, Sports Nutrition, Nutritional Medicine, Active Release Techniques, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Biomedical Medical Acupuncture to name a few. With Eoin love of continuous education and presenting, Eoin now travels the world giving workshops, presentations and seminars on a wide range of health, fitness and nutrition topics. To date Eoin splits his time between his Clinic in Malahide, managing the ISI Centre of Excellence and teaching for his US Educational Company ICANS.

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