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BTE Group Session


This session is for healthcare professionals who are currently using the PrimusRS.

At Physiquipe we want to continually support our customers in using our products. We will be hosting regular group sessions that will help provide a platform to share current user experiences and a chance to ask questions to our technical team.

The first BTE group session will be hosted on Tuesday 11th October from 2:00-3:30pm.

The schedule of the session will be as follows:

2:00-2:10pm Introductions

2:10-2:25pm User Presentation (1) – Sarah Holt, Clinical Specialist Occupational Therapist at the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton “Using PrimusRS within the Vocational Rehab Pathway”

2:25-2:40pm User Presentation (2) -Team at Pulvertaft Hand Unit – Topic TBC

2:40-2:55pm User Presentation (3) – TBC

2:55-3:20pm Q&A & group discussion hosted by Physiquipe Clinical Applications Specialist, Dominic Smith & Jeffrey Johnson, Assistant Director – Provider & Product Management from BTE

3:20-3:30pm Closing Remarks

If you are currently using the PrimusRS,  register to attend via “Book event”

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